Thank you for visiting my small corner of the internet. I've used this space in one form or another to share my work, experiences, learning, and travels with family, friends, and colleagues who have shown interest. For a time (2009-12) the site existed solely on a crashed hard drive and piecemeal Word documents thanks to my tinkering with the inner workings of iWeb. I never learned to follow my own advice about regular backups and paid the price. Lesson learned.
This site started back in 2005 as a blog about my search for a "higher and better use" of my talents, and some of life's other big questions. That line of questioning, coupled with a willingness to take some calculated risks, has resulted in a fun and unconventional narrative. The original blog currently exists as Make Change.
Most days my work on energy and climate change takes center stage. However, even that line of work has provided ample opportunities to explore a litany of other topics. Sustainable development, international affairs, or project management might be the topic du jour. Other interests such as sports, leadership, and pop culture creep in here and there. I try to weave this compendium in a way that makes sense, shows the interconnectedness of varied experiences, is interesting to read, and at the very least has a point. My success has been varied.
I have the most amazing and supportive wife, and am the father of an dazzling boy who is responsible for my exhaustion and ever-graying hair. On both counts I got better than I probably deserved.
You'll find more details of my work in the links above. Feel free to explore, and connect with me using the social media links in the footer.
The events of the January 6th insurrection in Washington, DC got me to thinking about how easily democracy and good governance can erode. It prompted me to compare the US with the rest of the world.
The Biden administration is targeting almost 200 climate-related actions, some through executive order, some through legislation, others through agencies within the Executive Branch. Track them here.

While reading an article about the current U.S. political crisis, I was reminded of this important work by Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. The book, published in 1960, is a collection of essays that attempt to address the dichotomy of Catholics living in a pluralistic society. even if one isn't Catholic, the book is a great study of the principles behind things like the first amendment, popular government, and peaceful coexistence. Quite timely.
I heard about this book of poetry during a talk about leadership. The author collected a series of songs, stories, and traditions from Native American Indian culture up and down the west coast. He then translated the collection into a series of poems that consolidate and bring to life the vibrancy those cultures share.
Marcus Aurelius is considered one of history's greatest leaders and thinkers. I've eyed this title for a while now, hoping its lessons will impact the personal and professional aspects of my life. It seems a timely read given how the world seems to be testing long-held truths and principles often associated with classics like this.