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C-SERMS Revisited

The Caribbean Community Secretariat asked Worldwatch Institute to update its groundbreaking Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy. This was one of the last projects I was a part of before leaving and am very proud that the work in this report has been adopted as official CARICOM Energy Policy. Worldwatch's official press release can be found here.


Sustainable Electricity Roadmap for the Dominican Republic

This is the second look at the Dominican Republic's electricity sector I managed while at Worldwatch Institute. Building off the important conclusions of the initial roadmap report completed in 2012, this deeper dive shows how the country can meet more than 50% of electricity needs from renewable sources. A Spanish version can be found here. Worldwatch's official press release can be found here.


Jamaican SEZs: Promoting Sustainability and Attracting FDI for Renewables and Energy Efficiency

The United Nations Council on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) sponsored this analysis of "green" Special Economic Zones in Jamaica. The report looks at important policy changes necessary to accomplish this, and the various sectors in which Jamaica can become a regional leader for green growth.


Haiti Sustainable Electricity Roadmap

This remarkable team effort explore how Haiti can substantially transform its electricity sector to one that provides the country with almost 100% renewable electricity by 2050. Worldwatch's full press release can be found here.


Wind Power Growth Still Surging Where Strongly Supported

As part of Worldwatch's Vital Signs series, I, along with Xiangyu Wu, look at the state of the global wind power market. It's very clear the sector is thriving in places where policy and investment mechanisms are explicitly implemented to take advantage of a technology with increasing power yields and decreasing costs.


Global Economy: Looks Good From Afar, But Is Far From Good

The global economy appears to be recovering from the recent global financial crisis, but is the situation as healthy as it appears? Along with Ralph Albus, I look at some behind-the-scenes factors of the global economy showing that we are sacrificing well-being for rosy numbers. This report is part of Worldwatch Institute's Vital Signs series. The official press release can be found here.


Jamaica Sustainable Energy Roadmap

The first of three forward-looking sustainable energy roadmaps produced by Worldwatch Institute with support from the International Climate Initiative of the German Government. This report examines the policy, regulatory, and financial reforms necessary for Jamaica to fully harness its abundant renewable energy resources, reduce fossil fuel reliance, and invest in adaptation measures necessary for dealing with the growing threat of global climate change. The full press release can be found here.


Commodity Supercycle Slows Down in 2012

As part of Worldwatch Institute's Vital Signs series, I examine the global commodity "supercycle" that has been underway, the drivers behind it, and why it is slowing down.


Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap (C-SERMS), Phase 1

This report, led by Worldwatch's Climate and Energy team, analyzes the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states and establishes bold and ambitious targets for renewable energy penetration, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emission reduction. Sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank, this report will be developed further as more data is collected. A Summary for Policymakers can be found here. The official Worldwatch Institute press release can be found here.


C-SERMS Revisited

The Caribbean Community Secretariat asked Worldwatch Institute to update its groundbreaking Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy. This was one of the last projects I was a part of before leaving and am very proud that the work in this report has been adopted as official CARICOM Energy Policy. Worldwatch's official press release can be found here.


This is the output from the first project I managed at Worldwatch Institute. It is a pilot report showcasing the institute's Sustainable Energy Roadmap approach and focuses on the electricity sector in the Dominican Republic. The official web page for the report can be found here.


China Drives Global Wind Growth

In my second contribution to Worldwatch's Vital Signs series, I examine the global wind power market. China has been blowing the competition away in terms of new capacity installed, and Chinese turbine manufacturers are grabbing increased market share quickly.


Global Wind Power Growth Takes a Breather in 2010

In my first contribution to Worldwatch Institute's Vital Signs Series, I examine the status of the global wind power market. The United States and China lead the world in terms of new generating capacity installations, but overall the race to install new turbines seems to be cooling.

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